Friday, March 5, 2021

COVID precautions alter Alaska’s Iditarod dog-sledge race course | Al Jazeera


The word “Iditarod” derives from an indigenous Alaskan name for a “far distant place”. Due to precautions made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, which starts on Sunday, will be an especially distanced event.

The trail for the world’s most famous sledge dog race has been drastically rerouted to avoid almost all the communities that normally serve as checkpoints, and the traditional ceremonial start in Anchorage has been eliminated.

Only 47 mushers and their dogs have entered, a much smaller field than usual, as many mushers were unable to clear coronavirus-related travel obstacles. And there will be almost no spectators cheering teams on in person, as trail access will be strictly limited....Al Jazeera



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