Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Both Clinton, Trump disliked by most Americans: poll

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are disliked by a majority of Americans, a new poll said on Tuesday.

Nearly six in 10 Americans said they either "dislike" or "hate" Democratic presidential front-runner Clinton, while 63 percent also expressed negative opinions about Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, according to the latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey Election Tracking Poll.

The dislike for one of the two candidates had in some way spurred support for the other, the poll found.

About a third of Clinton and trump supporters said that the most important reason they supported their candidate was in opposition to the other party's candidate, said the poll.

Meanwhile, Americans are split between the choice of Trump or Clinton in a hypothetical matchup of the general election in November, with Trump lagging behind Clinton by 4 percent, said the poll.

This margin was nearly the same as that of the last week.

While Clinton holds an overwhelming lead among African-American and Hispanic voters, with 82 points gap and 35 points gap respectively, Trump is the preferred candidate among white voters by 14 points over Clinton, said the poll.
 [Xinhua -]

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