Friday, January 8, 2016

Germany weighs deportations after sexual assaults

Germany must examine whether it has done enough to deport foreigners who commit crimes, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said, in response to a series of New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Cologne.

Police say witnesses have described the perpetrators as being of "Arab or North African origin", but there is little solid information so far on who committed the assaults.

Still, Merkel said on Thursday in Berlin, "we must examine again and again whether we have already done what is necessary in terms of ... deportations from Germany in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order"...

  • Silvester-Übergriffe in Köln: 32 mögliche Täter identifiziert...

Eine Woche nach den schweren Ausschreitungen in Köln hat die deutsche Polizei 32 mögliche Angreifer identifiziert. Bei 29 von ihnen handelt es sich um Migranten mit Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in Deutschland, wie das Bundesinnenministerium am Freitag mitteilte.

Laut Tobias Plate, dem Sprecher des Ministeriums, sind neun Algerier, acht Marokkaner und vier Syrer unter den Verdächtigen.


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