Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Moscow outraged over Moldova's initiative to set up "war museum of Soviet occupation"

Russia is outraged by an initiative of Moldova’s Defence Ministry to create a "war museum of Soviet occupation," the Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

Moscow considers the idea voiced by Defense Minister Anatol Salaru as a "blasphemous dismantling" of a memorial to heroes-tankers in Beltsy, the second-largest city in Moldova after the capital Chisinau, the ministry stressed.

"The fact that Moldova’s authorities carry out such events the year celebrating the 70th anniversary of Victory of the Soviet people over fascism is of special cynicism," the statement said.

Over the past several years, Moldova’s authorities have failed to comply with the agreement signed by Chisinau in 2011 to perpetuate the memory of courage and heroism of the peoples of the CIS member-states during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, it said.

"We hope that amid mass protests in Chisinau, Moldova’s authorities will have enough political maturity and common sense not to substitute for the lack of dialogue with its own people by implementing ideas that can result in a serious deterioration of the Russian-Moldovan ties," the ministry stressed.


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